Disappointed yet not discouraged.
Only 3.
That’s actually the number of new partners I had this year. Honestly, that was VERY low. You don’t really have to try for three. I have to take this as a learning experience. I HAVE TO. I was very infrequent in my gaming (and still am).
I believe my shortcomings this past year originate from three main issues.
1. Not enough focus and direction on the primary goal.
2. Putting a lot of effort into a lot of different places.
3. Being “too comfortable” in my current lifestyle.
One and two seem to be a little connected, but the first one, I believe, is its own monster. I didn’t show enough dedication and put the time in. There’s no excuse for that at all. Focus is something I can control. Direction is not so easy. By going off and kind of doing my own thing and not having someone guide me in where (and what) I should be doing I wasted a lot of time and energy.
This past year I was also here, there, and everywhere. Pursuing travel and entrepreneurial interests, while still working and trying to improve on pick up is difficult. This year I only want to accomplish 3 goals (pick-up and this blog being #2 on the list). Hopefully, that will cut out the clutter.
Most of the really good ones in pick up (generalizing) were pretty bad for some period of time before they got good. I can honestly say that I was never THAT bad ;)
The last week of the year I slept with four different women. I’ve always been able to keep a woman around (or at least interested) after I’ve dated her…I’m not sure particularly why. The point of all this, though, is that throughout the year I didn’t have any droughts. I always had women to be with and it might be that having that “comfort” weakened my gaming.
Anyway…who knows? It’s a new year bringing new challenges.
I’ve decided to seek training from one of the top ranked PUAs soon to see what help it can provide. I’ll keep you guys posted and make sure to let you know if it helps out.
Play The Game Fair.