Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just Do It

This one will be short.

Maybe you hear this a lot, maybe you don’t.

When you go out, odds are there are things that you want to do at the bar that you don’t. There’s that girl that you wanted to get at, but you didn’t. The one you wanted to dance with, but you didn’t. Those lines you wanted you try out, the close that you wanted to run, but stopped.

This is very simple to correct. Do it.

A lot of us get busy TRYING to do things…trying to learn pick-up, stuff at school, how to run a business, etc.

Just DO. Work on doing and things will improve. They have for me.

Play The Game Fair.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Improved Mindset

I know my posts are sporadic, but anybody that’s been with me for a while knows that’s pretty much how I get down.

I’ve been pretty much raving a lot about Captain Jack lately and for very good reason. The man has a few ideas that are a little out there when you first hear them, but when put to good use can add whole new dimensions to your game. In all honesty guys, by 2011 I might actually have some real stuff to put out/teach because of him.

Of course I can’t put his info all out there like that, but I can give you guys some tidbits that might help you out. CJ’s main idea is that those in the game are plagued by a lot of false beliefs about women and if you get those ideas out of your head, you’ve won half the battle.

First of those bad ideas is that women don’t go out to bars to get laid. THERE ARE WOMEN THAT GO OUT TO BARS TO GET LAID!!!!! It happens people. They’re not being tricked. They find men that understand what they’re looking for and those are the men that it happens with. I heard him tell me and I tried to believe it…but I wasn’t really. I was forcing it.

A couple weeks later, I decided “eff it” and I sent a mass text to most of the girls in my phone. I said, “I’d been having a debate with one of my boys and I am trying to figure out if women sometimes go to the bar/club to get laid. Have you ever?"


The other half were younger girls under 21 and some of them were still trying to impress me. Of those, though, all had known of a friend that had gone to the club for that reason.

The next time I went to the bar with that info, knowing for a fact there was a girl in that very bar/club looking to get laid (and I just had to find her)….let’s just say improvements were made ;)

Play The Game Fair.
