Thursday, October 29, 2009


There is a movement going on.

Well…not really.

I went to rent a movie the other day and I came across the film called, “Diary of a Tired Black Man”. The premise is basically that there is this good black man looking for a good black woman, but all he meets is the bad ones. The film sort of (in a way) levels the playing field for black men that get barraged by “Waiting to Exhale”-type movies.

I personally hate extremes. Tyler Perry’s version catered to all the women that have constantly had bad experiences with men and this movie that I’ve mentioned caters to all the “nice guys” that have been taken advantage of by black women. In my opinion (and I’m no expert at anything), people do have a tendency to attract or like a certain type of person…and they repeatedly date that type.

If a women keeps getting no-good type of guys, maybe she’s not as good as she thinks. If all you date is low self-esteem women, you have to ask yourself what issues do you have.


Longer term relationships don’t count. Women always need constant approval and reassurance that you still care and find them attractive (that’s being a woman, not having self-esteem issues). And during that relationship, she WILL do something that you deem crazy ;)

The men that have these issues have a good chance of being what we were before becoming more social and learning more about dating. Women like a challenge and being completely “nice” is either boring or stalker-ishly scary.

That’s all I have about that subject, but I just would like you guys to think about this though.

Men rarely watch or buy relationship movies unless they’re with a woman. Women watch, listen, and purchase music and movies about relationships all the time (whether they are with/have a man or not). Does it not surprise you that there is so much more music and so many movies about bad relationships directed towards us?

I imagine that if we paid for this Usher divorce CD he’s about to come out with, there would be more of its type in the market.

Play The Game Fair.


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