Monday, March 22, 2010

Dancing and More Dancing

What’s up world (Hope I sounded like MTV’s Sway)?

Every now and then, usually once a month, someone will email about how much dancing is acceptable, is dancing cool, what does it mean, etc…

Here are my opinions on dancing (of course the “I’m not a pro PUA” disclaimer still applies):

1. Don’t take the fact that she danced with you TOO serious if you hadn’t spoke to her first.

She could’ve been drunk, she could’ve been in a good mood, or she could’ve thought you were someone else. It isn’t that deep. That said, if she initiates the dance with you, odds are there’s at least a little attraction.

If you guys have talked already, and she knows it’s you (not the sneak behind then dance thing) then it’s an IOI/small hoop qualification.

2. If it loosens you up, do it.

Dancing can be a good way to get into state. I’ve done it a couple times. If a girl dances with you, you feel a little bit more ready to mingle. If you can dance, it social proves you a little.

3. DON’T Dance Too Much!!!

I know some of you feel like I’m hating, but I’m telling you the truth. Over-dancing will make you look one of two things…extra as hell or like a show-off.

It’s not worth it. Furthermore, I would just find it hard to really pull a girl at an adult club looking super sweaty and perspiring through your clothes.

4. Put Your Bid In

I know. I know. I always say to do better than this. In the case of the girl that you want to game, but never leaves the dance floor…we’ll have to make an exception. I still haven’t come up with a way to game them yet myself so eff it.

Try to get a dance and after the song, ask for her number. The worse thing she can say is no.

Play The Game Fair.


PS: The drills that I’m doing with Captain Jack are helping my game. If you want to check them out, go HERE.

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