Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More Time Out


Supervisor says we’re going to have to inventory everything. Great. Three consecutive days of at least 12 hour shifts. Definitely motivated though. Started reading your field reports (check again and, after seeing how easy it can get after putting in the work, it’s only increased my drive.

As I’ve told you, I’ve moved to this new area. Met a guy named Fred* at the job that seems like a good guy to keep in the social circle. We put a 6am to 5:30pm shift and he tells me about some girls he’s hanging out with later. I tell him we can meet up and then go out later.

As I attempt to take a nap, Fred* calls at 6:15pm and tells me that they’re going out to eat at 7pm (the place is 30mins way). I wash up (no time to shower) and grab a shirt and some jeans. I get there and there’s 4 girls he’s with (7,7.5, 8, and 8 respectively). Now I’m trying to figure out if he’s gay or just really cool. The girls are a little cold at first, but once we get to the table they open up.

Initially I can’t figure what Fred* is on. This really messes me up because I can’t figure who to game. After a short while I just say fuck it and start going into material.

Out of the 4, there are two that I am interested in; both 8s. Stories actually appear to go off better in a low energy environment. I start sexually framing both while appearing very friendly to the others. I didn’t use strawberry fields. For some reason I thought it would be too much or inappropriate for the setting. I still run the sexual teases though, “You’re a freak…”, “no telling what you’re into”, “Oh my gosh, you probably like to be on top”, etc.

It’s a restaurant with a bar, so we’re drinking now. I text Fred* to find out which I should go after. He tells me that he dated the 7.5 in high school and he tried to go after one of the 8s but the 7.5 blocked. Great! Now I have clarity (in more ways than one). For the rest of the night I game the other 8 that he hadn’t went after. I get sort of a mini-iso and TB her then we head out. I sent her a text and she responded pretty quick. No flaking.

It’s about 9:30pm. I figure I can get home, take a nap, and still go out and sarge. I actually crash and wake up late. I barely get to work on time.

Day goes from 7:30am to 6:30pm. Fred* tells me about a bar that is supposed to be good tonight. Surprisingly, some of the frat guys I know in this area were telling me about this same bar. Definitely makes me feel like this is a good choice. Plus, I kill 3 birds with one stone. Hang with the frat guys I’ve been neglecting, chill with someone from the job, and get some gaming in.

We get there at around 9:45ish. It’s early so there’s not much to work with. Right now there’s literally the frat guys and the sorority “sisters” (everybody ends up dating them). They’re cool chicks, and I’m not one to call girls “sloppy seconds”, but I’d at least NOT like to know who’s seconds I’m getting.

Thinking on the positive side, I have been introduced to most of the people here. I’ll have a lot of social proof when the other girls arrive. I’ve also tried throwing a couple compliments out early just to get in state (can’t get a bad reaction from a compliment…I don’t think).

I try to get a drink. I find out this bar is on a dry campus, so there’s no liquor. I try to get on the pool table and there are no sticks. WTF. Finally Fred* gets there. I tried to warn him about the prospects, but he comes anyway. He rolls in with 4 girls again (I like this guy), and two of them are different. Same 7 and 7.5 with a new 8 and 7.5. The girls I met already give big hugs and smiles. We talk for a while and I introduce him to a couple people I know there.

Apparently, I forgot these girls aren’t really for frat guys and especially my frat. I ask what’s up with this bar (referring to it being dry) and she tells me this is what I can expect when you have these type of people at the bar…harsh (yesterday I hadn’t mentioned being in a frat to avoid the stereotypes). I guess even after graduation you have to deal with this...

Finally some decent girls that I don’t know (or aren’t affiliated) show up. 3set by the dry bar. “You go here?” And conversation ensues.

I’m really starting to pick up on how openers really, REALLY don’t matter.

Stories are almost down pact. Teases work, but I think I’m pushing with one of the obstacles a little too hard. Target is at least a 9, gorgeous, and maybe 5’11. God bless women between 5’9 and 6’2 ;) And I finally get into comfort material (this new area has been hard on me)!!! We’re talking everything’s cool and I try to introduce the target to Fred* in order to iso and comes out that they already know each other. Worse yet, the target is good friends with the girl I just number closed yesterday. Fuck, fuck, and fuck. I abandoned the close, played it cool, and ejected.

Fred* tells me the girls are getting restless and headed to another bar. While I’m talking to him and the girls, my frat brothers come up to me kind of geeked up. The girls notice (I think they told the 8 I met the day before that I’m in a frat or something because now she’s not returning texts/calls). I tell him I’ll catch him at work. I go back to my frat guys and they look at me like I’m superhuman. If only they knew how much further I have to go.

Check the link and see if this can help you:

Play The Game Fair.


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