Tuesday, May 5, 2009



This is what it is. I jumped out of bed and I didn't "turn my swag on". I realized I haven't been in the field in almost 3 weeks.

I can't tell you anything about how I'm doing what I'm doing if I'm not doing it (hope that made sense).

Obviously, I'm too busy to go out right now. Fortunately, I can still have the women in my life that I want...I just need more ;)

If you've read my previous posts, you know I'm ramping up to go to Argentina. And I'm not being paid to write this stuff (or put this info out)...yet. I'm really doing this for everyone else that was in my position. Hell, I'm still in that position. It's not too many of us speaking out.

So I am.

I will be back from Argentina in mid-July and that's when I will resume posting. I could be out here acting like I'm really doing it, but that's just not me. I'm going to post the info I had on bar/lounge game and then I'm taking a break. I apologize.

To keep you guys reading up, I'll give you a couple good guys to mess with:

Sinn (sinns of attraction blog)
Captain Jack (be the seducer blog)
Savoy (the real savoy blog)


This one above usually is funny and occasionally has some gems.

See you guys on the other side.

Play The Game Fair.



  1. Damn man hope you have fun doing whatever over there. It's nice to see some of this stuff from another black pua because regardless of all the "Its the same for everyone" post I repeatedly see it certainly is not. Def. will be looking for you in july


  2. Thanks fam. I appreciate the love. The comments def give me motivation to come back.
