Friday, June 4, 2010

Talk to You Later


It's been fun. It has. If you've followed me for a bit, hopefully you saw the growth through the sporadic posts.

I'm getting what I want from the opposite sex right now (it could hypothetically always be better) and my career is demanding more attention. At some point all parts of your life have to improve.

As you've probably also noticed, PUAs are trying to monetize their skills more often. Now I won't be throwing DVDs, ebooks, and audios at anybody...but I do need to get my finances right ;)

This isn't a goodbye. It's a see you later. Email anytime.

Play The Game Fair.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just Do It

This one will be short.

Maybe you hear this a lot, maybe you don’t.

When you go out, odds are there are things that you want to do at the bar that you don’t. There’s that girl that you wanted to get at, but you didn’t. The one you wanted to dance with, but you didn’t. Those lines you wanted you try out, the close that you wanted to run, but stopped.

This is very simple to correct. Do it.

A lot of us get busy TRYING to do things…trying to learn pick-up, stuff at school, how to run a business, etc.

Just DO. Work on doing and things will improve. They have for me.

Play The Game Fair.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Improved Mindset

I know my posts are sporadic, but anybody that’s been with me for a while knows that’s pretty much how I get down.

I’ve been pretty much raving a lot about Captain Jack lately and for very good reason. The man has a few ideas that are a little out there when you first hear them, but when put to good use can add whole new dimensions to your game. In all honesty guys, by 2011 I might actually have some real stuff to put out/teach because of him.

Of course I can’t put his info all out there like that, but I can give you guys some tidbits that might help you out. CJ’s main idea is that those in the game are plagued by a lot of false beliefs about women and if you get those ideas out of your head, you’ve won half the battle.

First of those bad ideas is that women don’t go out to bars to get laid. THERE ARE WOMEN THAT GO OUT TO BARS TO GET LAID!!!!! It happens people. They’re not being tricked. They find men that understand what they’re looking for and those are the men that it happens with. I heard him tell me and I tried to believe it…but I wasn’t really. I was forcing it.

A couple weeks later, I decided “eff it” and I sent a mass text to most of the girls in my phone. I said, “I’d been having a debate with one of my boys and I am trying to figure out if women sometimes go to the bar/club to get laid. Have you ever?"


The other half were younger girls under 21 and some of them were still trying to impress me. Of those, though, all had known of a friend that had gone to the club for that reason.

The next time I went to the bar with that info, knowing for a fact there was a girl in that very bar/club looking to get laid (and I just had to find her)….let’s just say improvements were made ;)

Play The Game Fair.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Dancing and More Dancing

What’s up world (Hope I sounded like MTV’s Sway)?

Every now and then, usually once a month, someone will email about how much dancing is acceptable, is dancing cool, what does it mean, etc…

Here are my opinions on dancing (of course the “I’m not a pro PUA” disclaimer still applies):

1. Don’t take the fact that she danced with you TOO serious if you hadn’t spoke to her first.

She could’ve been drunk, she could’ve been in a good mood, or she could’ve thought you were someone else. It isn’t that deep. That said, if she initiates the dance with you, odds are there’s at least a little attraction.

If you guys have talked already, and she knows it’s you (not the sneak behind then dance thing) then it’s an IOI/small hoop qualification.

2. If it loosens you up, do it.

Dancing can be a good way to get into state. I’ve done it a couple times. If a girl dances with you, you feel a little bit more ready to mingle. If you can dance, it social proves you a little.

3. DON’T Dance Too Much!!!

I know some of you feel like I’m hating, but I’m telling you the truth. Over-dancing will make you look one of two things…extra as hell or like a show-off.

It’s not worth it. Furthermore, I would just find it hard to really pull a girl at an adult club looking super sweaty and perspiring through your clothes.

4. Put Your Bid In

I know. I know. I always say to do better than this. In the case of the girl that you want to game, but never leaves the dance floor…we’ll have to make an exception. I still haven’t come up with a way to game them yet myself so eff it.

Try to get a dance and after the song, ask for her number. The worse thing she can say is no.

Play The Game Fair.


PS: The drills that I’m doing with Captain Jack are helping my game. If you want to check them out, go HERE.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More Time Out


Supervisor says we’re going to have to inventory everything. Great. Three consecutive days of at least 12 hour shifts. Definitely motivated though. Started reading your field reports (check again and, after seeing how easy it can get after putting in the work, it’s only increased my drive.

As I’ve told you, I’ve moved to this new area. Met a guy named Fred* at the job that seems like a good guy to keep in the social circle. We put a 6am to 5:30pm shift and he tells me about some girls he’s hanging out with later. I tell him we can meet up and then go out later.

As I attempt to take a nap, Fred* calls at 6:15pm and tells me that they’re going out to eat at 7pm (the place is 30mins way). I wash up (no time to shower) and grab a shirt and some jeans. I get there and there’s 4 girls he’s with (7,7.5, 8, and 8 respectively). Now I’m trying to figure out if he’s gay or just really cool. The girls are a little cold at first, but once we get to the table they open up.

Initially I can’t figure what Fred* is on. This really messes me up because I can’t figure who to game. After a short while I just say fuck it and start going into material.

Out of the 4, there are two that I am interested in; both 8s. Stories actually appear to go off better in a low energy environment. I start sexually framing both while appearing very friendly to the others. I didn’t use strawberry fields. For some reason I thought it would be too much or inappropriate for the setting. I still run the sexual teases though, “You’re a freak…”, “no telling what you’re into”, “Oh my gosh, you probably like to be on top”, etc.

It’s a restaurant with a bar, so we’re drinking now. I text Fred* to find out which I should go after. He tells me that he dated the 7.5 in high school and he tried to go after one of the 8s but the 7.5 blocked. Great! Now I have clarity (in more ways than one). For the rest of the night I game the other 8 that he hadn’t went after. I get sort of a mini-iso and TB her then we head out. I sent her a text and she responded pretty quick. No flaking.

It’s about 9:30pm. I figure I can get home, take a nap, and still go out and sarge. I actually crash and wake up late. I barely get to work on time.

Day goes from 7:30am to 6:30pm. Fred* tells me about a bar that is supposed to be good tonight. Surprisingly, some of the frat guys I know in this area were telling me about this same bar. Definitely makes me feel like this is a good choice. Plus, I kill 3 birds with one stone. Hang with the frat guys I’ve been neglecting, chill with someone from the job, and get some gaming in.

We get there at around 9:45ish. It’s early so there’s not much to work with. Right now there’s literally the frat guys and the sorority “sisters” (everybody ends up dating them). They’re cool chicks, and I’m not one to call girls “sloppy seconds”, but I’d at least NOT like to know who’s seconds I’m getting.

Thinking on the positive side, I have been introduced to most of the people here. I’ll have a lot of social proof when the other girls arrive. I’ve also tried throwing a couple compliments out early just to get in state (can’t get a bad reaction from a compliment…I don’t think).

I try to get a drink. I find out this bar is on a dry campus, so there’s no liquor. I try to get on the pool table and there are no sticks. WTF. Finally Fred* gets there. I tried to warn him about the prospects, but he comes anyway. He rolls in with 4 girls again (I like this guy), and two of them are different. Same 7 and 7.5 with a new 8 and 7.5. The girls I met already give big hugs and smiles. We talk for a while and I introduce him to a couple people I know there.

Apparently, I forgot these girls aren’t really for frat guys and especially my frat. I ask what’s up with this bar (referring to it being dry) and she tells me this is what I can expect when you have these type of people at the bar…harsh (yesterday I hadn’t mentioned being in a frat to avoid the stereotypes). I guess even after graduation you have to deal with this...

Finally some decent girls that I don’t know (or aren’t affiliated) show up. 3set by the dry bar. “You go here?” And conversation ensues.

I’m really starting to pick up on how openers really, REALLY don’t matter.

Stories are almost down pact. Teases work, but I think I’m pushing with one of the obstacles a little too hard. Target is at least a 9, gorgeous, and maybe 5’11. God bless women between 5’9 and 6’2 ;) And I finally get into comfort material (this new area has been hard on me)!!! We’re talking everything’s cool and I try to introduce the target to Fred* in order to iso and comes out that they already know each other. Worse yet, the target is good friends with the girl I just number closed yesterday. Fuck, fuck, and fuck. I abandoned the close, played it cool, and ejected.

Fred* tells me the girls are getting restless and headed to another bar. While I’m talking to him and the girls, my frat brothers come up to me kind of geeked up. The girls notice (I think they told the 8 I met the day before that I’m in a frat or something because now she’s not returning texts/calls). I tell him I’ll catch him at work. I go back to my frat guys and they look at me like I’m superhuman. If only they knew how much further I have to go.

Check the link and see if this can help you:

Play The Game Fair.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Thursday Night


This night I can admit there was some bitching up. I only got about 10 to 12 sets in for those 3 hours 11pm to 1am that I was there. All these sets except for one were 5 minutes or less.

I found a club that has a lot of people called, Xbar*. I get there at 10pm expecting to get settled and get into my grove and mingle before the crowd came, but it’s already packed.

Stuck in the line for an hour. For 30 minutes I talk on the phone to my ex (we’re still cool) to get in a social mood. The next 30 minutes I talk/joke with the people in line with me. Couple fights and a few shots fired before anyone can even get in. I joke that, “If people ask did you see the fight?” The person’s going to say back, “Which one?”

Finally get in the club. It’s pretty much an “urban/hood” club I guess. Go to the bar and order a Redbull to get going. I wait about 5 minutes to start.

I’m noticing the “captive audience” is good to warm up with. People in line are bored and open to talk. So are people waiting for drinks. Just can’t stay at the bar long because girls seem to just start flirting for drinks.

Anything/ideas to piggyback on that?

First 2 sets that I have bomb. Can’t even transition. Less than 2 minutes long. Start to get AA and head to the bathroom. Try to remember the stuff in the lessons and push through the discomfort.

I come back out and try to force the 3 second rule and punk out. It’s easier said than done. I have to work with that. Order another Redbull and girl opens me with some form of dance move to slide in and get to the bar. I tell her, “That was nice. Did you practice that?” teasingly. She says, “maybe” and smiles. I know I should’ve stacked forward, but I couldn’t think of what to say next and eject.

The opinion openers seem to BOMB the whole night. Not sure if it’s the dance floor environment, the “urban” environment, my delivery, limiting beliefs, etc. But it wasn’t cutting it. Opening on the dance floor was also No Man’s Land. Between the bar and dance floor seemed to be best.

It felt like (the vibe I was getting) was that the indirect openers appeared really phony and disingenuous. I wasn’t even given the time to root them. Like they felt I was too weak to admit why I was really there. I don’t feel like I’m indicating too much interest (Smile. Opener. Step back). Anywho, to compensate for this I just used the, “You seemed cool…” semi-direct opener and stacked forward to the other openers.
Noticed I was checking my phone a little bit too much. Forced myself not to lap except maybe 3 times total the whole night.

Some of the sets I can remember:

Actually this may have been the “first” set. Only lasted a minute. A group of the girls I was next to in line outside. “So you decided not to beat him up (Some guy she had an argument with outside)?” She was very enthusiastic about the argument. Try to transition, but she and the group are still stuck on the altercation. Friends take her to the restroom or dance floor (can’t remember) to calm down.

Open another 3set with “Seemed cool”. Come in to the side where I’m only approaching one. Transition to “Break up through text”. Listens to whole transition and story, but appears to get mad calling the “friend” I have shady. I think she thinks I’m the “friend” and goes to dance somewhere else.

I think I’m going to cut this story out of the routine. 3 bad reactions through the night with it. Going to try “Who lies more?” with some form of connecting story. The “deleter-type” story seems to work best. It’s an off-shoot of your “Jealous Girlfriend” story, but it actually happened to me…

Also noticing that sarging alone doesn’t make a difference.

It’s actually better because I HAVE to sarge. No one notices you’re by yourself or asks where your friends are.

Any ideas on how to stay in set or keep it moving forward?

No one notices or cares if you’re rejected either. I can honestly say that all responses got better as the night progressed. Maybe I was just getting comfortable.
Saw a 5set taking pictures and reminded me of your camera opener. Aced like I was going to take their picture and then took mine ;) After that, I took theirs. I didn’t try to continue for no reason that I can think of (20/20 hindsight). I was near the bar at the time. After taking the pictures a guy asks me to get his beers for him. Don’t think he was old enough to drink, but “Don’t ask, don’t tell”.

While getting the beers, I ask a 2set how long the bartender is taking. One of the girls jokingly misinterprets and says, “Oh no…you don’t have to buy me a drink.” I respond, “Sweetheart, I don’t even know your name.” She introduces immediately. I laugh and tell her “maybe next time”. I bring the guys their drinks and lap around.

I see another 2set I was in line with. I stand close next to one. “Oh my God. I feel like I’m right back outside.” Laughing and positive reactions, but I leave looking for the bar girl. The plan was to come back to them.

Head back to the bar to look for the cute girl that was trying to get me to buy a drink. One of the girls that I took a picture of opens me. We talk about her being tired and her shoes hurting, etc. I’m not attracted to her though. We joke, but she’s the “big’’ friend I see the girl I was looking for. “Did you get a guy to get that drink yet?”

She pokes her lip out. “No. Can you believe it?” I baby her and give her a hug. “Aw, you’re a cute girl. I’m sure ‘someone’ will end up buying you one.” Conversation ensues. She tells me she’s not drinking tonight because she the DD. I tell her that it’s cool that she takes care of her friends. Her friends were headed somewhere. She asks me to catch up with her later. I say okay, but we don’t.

Back to the bar again. I see the “big” friend coming to re-open. I figure it’ll kill time, so what the hell. Before she can get there a taller-than-me, dark-skinned, long-haired, and tattooed (my ideal type) girl comes up to me and starts dancing on me 3 or 4 songs…hard. I can tell she’s been drinking, but not drunk at all. She was very capable of moving how she (and I) wanted.

Fourth song ends, she stops, takes her heels off (now exactly my height…5’10), winks at me and walks away with her friends. WTF…I don’t know what to say about that. I wasn’t ready I guess ;)

Look at my watch and it’s 1am. I have to get up early in the morning so I leave.
1 hooked set and zero numbers.

Should you throw the TB out there if you can’t hook the set? Also, how early can you sexualize the conversation? Right after hooking or in isolation? 3 second motivation? Ideas on how to keep sets moving?

I felt like I had to plow a lot. Should I just accept that as it is starting out?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Weekend Out

Night 1:

Just moved from northern* area to southern* area 3 weeks ago. Too busy with relocation lately(and didn’t have the focus of your course before). I hear that the neighboring city isn’t bad and I decide to check it out. Dead as fuck downtown…as fuck.

*Stars denote info removed.

Get into a bar and its horrible. Not even one woman to sarge. The only woman was overweight and my grandmother’s age. She was working coat check. I have a cabbie drive me around until we find a place. By then, its 12:45am (bars close at 2am). I say fuck it and just accept that I know what bar is good for Fridays…it’s called Xbar*. I head home.


Do you think it’s better to sarge out of town while you’re starting out (until you get better) or does it matter if you crash and burn at home?

Night 2:

Old coat check lady said it would be better at that place tonight. It’s supposed to be the “in” club for Saturday nights. I get there at 10:45pm and no one’s there yet. There’s a couple people, but it’s VERY slow.

I see 2 women at the bar, so I sit next to them. I didn’t open them immediately because I wasn’t sure what the 2 set looked like. I ordered a Redbull, look over, and notice that the woman sitting closest to me is gorgeous. Her friend is sort of “the ugly friend” type. I open with, “So when does this club start really going?” and the set opens.

45 minute set. She’s laughing at the stories and it all seems to flow naturally. The teases work. We’re semi-isolated because her friend kind of let us talk alone as she converse with the bartender. I know you say IOIs don’t matter, but they were there. Turns in her seat to face me, qualifies herself during the question, etc. “She tells me the reason that she thinks she’s cool is because she came from a small-town and hasn’t let the city change her (Ha. This city is not even close to that big, but okay).

We start talking about sports which leads to cocky guys and how she hates them. Says Denzel is the example of confidence. I ask her to name someone around our age, she pauses, thinks, and says me ;

Right before I start trying to TB and number close she tells me she has a BF. I try to play it cool and keep talking (not acknowledging initially) for about 10 minutes. I tell her that if she has a BF we can at least be friends on FB. She takes my phone (I have a Blackberry) and longs in and requests me. I start to notice that the club still hasn’t really packed up. Also, being 24, I was looking for a 21-30bar and it looks like I’m in the 25-40bar. She insinuates I should stay, but I feel like the set is going nowhere. I leave the bar to meet some friends at a house party. I saw a couple girls they were with earlier in the day and I’m hoping I can meet up with them and practice.

What did the BF come up? What did I do wrong?

I get to the house party and none of the girls I wanted to sarge are there. I’m already in a talkative mood so I say “fuck it” and mingle. Didn’t use any openers because at the house party it didn’t seem like I needed one. Stories seem to go off well, but no one is really staying in one place to run through more than one. Catch up with a female acquaintance who introduces me to 2 girls I hadn’t met. One is sort of my type. She’s really cute, but short and I usually go for taller girls (which I tell her later on in the conversation to disqualify). They both eat up the stories with a little bit of filler. They’re both college girls, so the, “What’s your major?” question comes up (with a tease about it, of course). I TB an event that the two tell me about earlier in the set and take both numbers. I text the target, “Text message from Chris. Save as cute, funny dude.” After a few minutes, they both leave. I’m opened by a real cool (kind of chubby) girl about 15 minutes later. Good conversation, but I’m not interested so I don’t go for anything. 20 minutes later I get tired and head home.

2 phone numbers and 1 Facebook at the end of the night. (These ending up flaking this week).

Update: 1 re-surfaced.

What’s the verdict? Where am I so far?

Night 3:

Complete bust. I get false information on a place to hang out again. I go to the only bar that seems to have people that night and it’s a gay bar. Not the people I’m trying to sarge. I take my disappointed and pissed ass home.

Play The Game Fair.


More to Come from 2010

Okay guys.

Hope the new year is treating you well. I just relocated from a northern state to a southern one (that's all you get lol) and let has slowed the posting.

I've been taking this training from the PUA Captain Jack. I believe he, Sinn, and Brad P pretty much have the stuff most easily converted to "our" situations.

I promised I wouldn't hawk a whole bunch of stuff to you guys but I do have an affiliate link to his program. If you do, you do. If not, I'm still here to help.

Since I've been going through the program as well, if you forward me your receipt I can give you some tips I've found advantageous while out in the field doing what he's telling me too.

I'm also going to put up my field reports from the program.

Here's the link.

Play The Game Fair.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Year in Review

Disappointed yet not discouraged.

Only 3.

That’s actually the number of new partners I had this year. Honestly, that was VERY low. You don’t really have to try for three. I have to take this as a learning experience. I HAVE TO. I was very infrequent in my gaming (and still am).

I believe my shortcomings this past year originate from three main issues.

1. Not enough focus and direction on the primary goal.

2. Putting a lot of effort into a lot of different places.

3. Being “too comfortable” in my current lifestyle.

One and two seem to be a little connected, but the first one, I believe, is its own monster. I didn’t show enough dedication and put the time in. There’s no excuse for that at all. Focus is something I can control. Direction is not so easy. By going off and kind of doing my own thing and not having someone guide me in where (and what) I should be doing I wasted a lot of time and energy.

This past year I was also here, there, and everywhere. Pursuing travel and entrepreneurial interests, while still working and trying to improve on pick up is difficult. This year I only want to accomplish 3 goals (pick-up and this blog being #2 on the list). Hopefully, that will cut out the clutter.

Most of the really good ones in pick up (generalizing) were pretty bad for some period of time before they got good. I can honestly say that I was never THAT bad ;)

The last week of the year I slept with four different women. I’ve always been able to keep a woman around (or at least interested) after I’ve dated her…I’m not sure particularly why. The point of all this, though, is that throughout the year I didn’t have any droughts. I always had women to be with and it might be that having that “comfort” weakened my gaming.

Anyway…who knows? It’s a new year bringing new challenges.

I’ve decided to seek training from one of the top ranked PUAs soon to see what help it can provide. I’ll keep you guys posted and make sure to let you know if it helps out.

Play The Game Fair.
