Thursday, April 16, 2009

What Breeds Confidence?

Before I even start, I want you guys to know that I knocked out 4 posts. They’ll be on here soon. I misplaced the other 3 (pretty good ones if I do say so myself) and when I find them, they’ll be up.

Here goes…

Be confident. Be yourself. Just be confident. Just be yourself. Many “relationship” experts have pushed this as advice while PUA gurus have railed against it.

Now I happen to disagree with how some PUAs argue this. They’ll say, “The person you are now isn’t getting you the results you want. Why wouldn’t you want to be someone else?” That’s not my sentiment at all. From what I can remember, I’ve never really had a problem with women. It is my belief that the community is for those intelligent men who want to IMPROVE their success with women. I believe many of you are in that same proverbial boat. The “zero to hero” story sells like crazy, so many PUA gurus sell that. From what I can tell, though, most PUAs are normal guys who just want to get more consistent. Style said it best. Pick up isn’t about being yourself; it’s about presenting your BEST self.

And now on to confidence…

Faking it ‘til you make it can only get you so far. You actually have to have something to be confident about!!! I knew this all along, but it didn’t hit home until my former main lady and I parted ways.

She was great…in every way. Could cook, was good with kids, my family loved her, and she took care of business in the bedroom. The problem was, though, she had serious desertion issues. Men always left. I wasn’t ready for a relationship and she kept pressing for one. She asked me the last time we met up, “Everyone’s always saying be confident. How can I be confident when all the men in my life always leave?” It was crazy…

Think about it though. Rich men are confident because they’re rich. Well endowed men are confident because they’re well endowed. Women naturally love confident men because it’s a shortcut (or supposed to be) for them to figure out which men have something going for themselves.

What can you be confident about? It has to be something. Are you funny? Good at chess? Do you know the episodes of “24” better than anyone else? IT HAS TO BE SOMETHING!!! If you don’t have something, get something. Work out more often, get better at your job at work, or pick that old hobby back up.

Inner game information products have become big business. It’s really not that deep. AA can only really be conquered by doing more approaches. Inner game can only come from inner confidence that’s genuine and coming from a real place. Charisma/confidence/swagger doesn’t just appear out of thin air. If you want it, you have to do something to get it. Achieving small goals or winning little contests are a good start. Now you know without buying inner game eBooks, DVDs, or MP3s. Look at all the money I just saved you ;)

Play The Game Fair.


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