Friday, January 23, 2009

The Economics of Black Men

I just had to put this one out there. I had to do this for two reasons. The first is for all the black men out here that keep disrespecting themselves by dating women that disrespect them (the man) and themselves. Why are you jumping through hoops, falling all in love with women who don’t love themselves? Does she eat healthy, work out, or have any set goals with a plan to achieve them? If she doesn’t have any of those…does she have something that she enjoys doing (excluding shopping and having sex) that she is trying to improve upon? If not, you have to do better. Think about it. When you were not getting with any women what did you do? You did something different (or got your life together) and you were able to date again. How is she going to get better if you don’t let her know that what’s going on is not acceptable? You can do so by leaving OR just letting her know. If you don’t, YOU ARE HINDERING HER. Make her want to be better. You’re out here trying to get better (you should).

The second reason I had to do this is because…hold on. I need a disclaimer. Beyonce is a great singer. She’s becoming a very successful businesswoman. She has more money than me and she is definitely the top black woman in the music industry right now.

That said…

I am SO SICK of these women who are usually overweight, under-employed or unemployed, in the club talking so reckless to men when a Beyonce song comes on. Many of them should be grateful a good man is trying to get at them…but they lose out on the opportunity. Which leads me to my point of the day.

Before I start, please know that I base this idea of Tariq Nasheed’s work. We have to value our penises. Dollarize it and it’ll really hit home. Because we are all men and we take care of our children, the BARE-MINIMUM (of course we’ll do more) we will do is pay child support. I used my state as an example and ran the numbers as conservative as I could. If you make around $20k a year and the woman you lay down with makes $20k also (how often do you make exact same income really), you’ll pay $269 per month. Times that by twelve months out the year and eighteen years and you’ll find out that your penis (or your seed) is worth over $58k. Congrats. Now is the woman that you’re laying down with worth your 58 g’s?

Don’t get me wrong guys. There are good women out there. Good women are indeed hard to find…please believe that. But if you’re a good dude, you come across your fair share of good women. GOOD MEN ARE SO MUCH HARDER TO FIND!!! The “Black in America” special on CNN suggested that black women start dating outside the race because the outlook for black men didn’t look good.

So…the economics of it all. Supply and demand. Demand for a good brother is high. Supply of good brothers is low. What does that mean to you? The price of a good brother just went up. Congrats again. Due to hard times, you can date women above your level (if that level even exists). Black women will have to work harder to be with you. Also, you can get away with more. I ask that you don’t take it too far though. Black men have a bad enough reputation. To the brothers that don’t have it all the way together yet…if you’re in school, working a not-so-good job, still looking for a job, you’re in luck. Just keep improving, working at doing you, and keep your integrity. I’ll guarantee she’ll work with you.

Until next time…

Play The Game Fair.


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