I’ve been a little disappointed with my main lady in the past few weeks, which has been (to no surprise) really good for my research. As I told you in previous posts, I am in a NPHC fraternity (I won’t tell you which) and there were brothers from out of town that I didn’t get to show a good time and I’m slightly upset about that.
That said…
My boy (the Natural from before) wanted to show me a good time so we decided to roll to this house party. We were invited by a mutual friend that had been invited by one of her friends. For the record, this is a dual-edged sword gaming at house parties. A PUA Savoy has stated (and I’ve found it to be true looking back), that house parties are good because everyone will think that you’re at least pretty cool because you got invited, but if you mess up a set really bad it can destroy your chances with the rest of the women at the party.
When we first arrived, it was a little slow. There weren’t that many people there yet and people knew, for a fact, that they had never seen us before. We looked like party-crashers. Of course, PUAs never really trip. I just introduced myself to everyone that appeared the most laid back and that pretty much diffused it. After doing so, I kind of broke one of the rules. You’re not supposed to drink before opening a set. The Natural wanted to take advantage of the free alcohol and I refused to let him drink alone ;) After three shots, we got back into it.
There is this revolution in pick up going around (not really). It basically revolves around you actually enjoying yourself. Yes, YOU actually enjoying YOUR SELF. I know, I joke I joke. I kid, I kid. What I’m saying, though, is by actually having fun when you go out and being social because you want to (you HAVE to get to this point I believe to get really good), you won’t have to worry about appearing needy or your body language because it will become natural…and that’s where we want to get anyway right?
Back to the story…
We get back into it, and there’s this drinking game going on. We participate and a few girls do also. I spot a lady I want to approach. She’s about 5’6 feet, light skinned, cute face, as body like she works out, and appears to have a more professional appeal to her than hood. I tease her about watching the game by telling her drinking games aren’t spectator sports. I joke with her until she decides to play. Because of the nature of the game we were playing, I couldn’t run normal game on her. So I continued to flirt and she did also. It’s going back and forth and the Natural starts to flirt with her also. It’s funny because I’ve kept things pretty neutral up until now due to the fact she hasn’t invested enough to warrant a statement of interest (basically completely letting her know I’m feeling her). The Natural is indicating too much interest too soon. It borders on the “just put my bid in” mentality. She’s starting to not feel comfortable being around. After the game, I follow up with a little screening dialogue (How did you know about the party, etc.). I feel someone watching me and it’s a very metro sexual guy. He looks like one of those guys that tried out for Day 26 and got cut. “Oh yeah. That’s my boyfriend.” I don’t like hard work. I move on.
We go down to play pool for a bit with a couple guys that were in the drinking game. They’re telling me about a tattoo party and I’m interested. You wouldn’t know it if you seen me, but I have eight tattoos and a brand (they’re addictive). I took their contact info and kept it moving.
In a new set with a new group of girls. It’s three of them, only two are cute though. One has real bad acne, but she’s real cool. The one I was going after was about 5’5 feet, dark skinned, dressed well, but a little hood. Her lips stood out along with her attitude. The group didn’t hook though. The one I wanted was used to being the “cute one” and it had gone to her head. I couldn’t swing it.
I’m back with the girl who invited our friend to the party. I find out this is an Air Force party and they’re throwing it for a girl that’s re-stationing. I get excited. For one, I’m prior service and for two that gives me conversational ammunition (Where are you originally from, etc.).
Fight breaks out.
We get back to partying and I see a girl I had approached in college that didn’t work. I can tell I’m obviously doing better than she, but why rub it in her face. My actions already are. She knows she missed out ;) I meet two girls, both Air Force, and they’re both from down south. I opened with worst pick up line. Teased about them going AF instead of Army. Joked about them being involved in the fight. Befriend and pretend to like friend more than the one I want. Ask the one I’m interested in if she’s really got to see the area (Most military people hang with military people. They don’t get to see how a town really is because they don’t know anyone from the area.). Then I contact info close.
Another fight breaks out.
I see another lady I want to approach. She’s 5’9, wide hips, light-skinned, beautiful, with nice lips, and the professional type. I open by asking did she see the fight. She’s seated and away from everyone else so I tease her by saying she threw the party and now she’s chaperoning it. I fake cold read, “Wait…you’re in the Air Force aren’t you”. Chat it up about us both having a military background. I ask where she’s originally from. She’s from North Carolina and that’s where I’m relocating later in the year. I jump into a role-play. “If in NC and somebody bump me, will this thug face get me out of a fight.” Of course, I can’t stay hard and we’re laughing about it. I broke through the defenses. I’m trying to escalate, and then I see the ring. She tells me she’s married to a Marine. I don’t mess with marriage…boyfriends, but not husbands. Games over, but I do a little more comfort. I tell her I’ll save her from the Souldja Boyz that try to get at her. Later on I use her for social proof, by smiling or sticking my tongue out at her jokingly while in other sets (of course she responds favorably).
Oh yeah…remember the guy fake R&B singer? So we practiced a little AMOG’ing. The Natural got at my initial target while I spoke to “Chico”. Can’t really get into specifics because I don’t really know what we were doing. It was just funny.
The LAST fight of the night.
The police came. We left. It was crazy. The whole party just started fighting. Why? Know one knows. No one swung on any of my people so we pretty much let things go. The people that tried to break up the fight ended getting in fights themselves. I don’t do too much of that anymore. People that break up fights get shot.
Overall good night. Ol’ girl already contacted me as of writing this. Good stuff. You just have to keep going out to keep getting better.
Play The Game Fair.